*Shipping instructions must be submitted 48 hours prior to loading

Additional Billable Fees

These are fees to be added for issues out of Rantoul’s control.

  • FedEx: $35 Domestic, $50 International or provide your FedEx #

  • In Lieu Of Paperwork from CSI: $197

  • In Lieu Of Paperwork from Vet: $236

For any questions regarding additional billable fees, please reach out to
Latrice Khalaf: LatriceK@RantoulFoods.com, (217) 892-4178 X 227
Lesly Estrada: LeslyE@RantoulFoods.com, (217) 892-4178 X 227


General: Warehouse@RantoulFoods.com, (217) 892-4178 X 250

Kevin Latham: KevinL@RantoulFoods.com, (217) 372-4798 cell, (217) 892-4178 X 252

Loly Ramos: LolyR@RantoulFoods.com, (217) 892-4178 X 253 

Jonathan Latham: JonathanL@RantoulFoods.com, (217) 892-4178 X 252

Rantoul Warehouse
200 Turner Drive
Rantoul, IL, 61866

Warehouse Est. # 44170
Rantoul Est. # 35
Trim-Rite Est. #2029

Hours: Mon-Fri 6am to 2:30pm
Sat: By appointment only
Check in by 2pm
*If additional shipping hours are needed, OT charges may apply.
*Missed appointments are subject to work in & additional fees may apply.